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  • The Current UMSL

Emergency Preparedness Training Opportunity on Campus

By: Lily Warden

Do you know what to do during an emergency? According to the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, trauma is the leading cause of death for individuals 45 years and younger. Additionally, trauma is the fourth leading cause of death overall for all ages. Time can be precious in an emergency, and those closest are able to help. UMSL’s You Are the Help Until Help Arrives-Emergency Preparedness Training aims to teach participants skills to use while waiting for emergency medical responders.

Credit: Pexels

The program is run by Dale Chambers, deputy director of University of Missouri System Emergency Management. The UM System Emergency Management supports each campus in the UM System with emergency management opportunities, training and exercises.

Originally designed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in 2019, the program covers essential skills needed in response to an emergency. The program aims to educate participants about their active role in providing life-saving interventions prior to emergency services. The program covers communicating with 9-1-1 operators effectively, protecting the injured, positioning the injured, how to stop life-threatening bleeding, providing emotional support and comfort, and how to keep yourself safe during an emergency situation.

“You Are the Help Until Help Arrives is really designed for somebody who comes up on an emergency of some sort and they can determine what they can do until the professional responders get there”, said Chambers. “These are things in the 2 to 15 minutes before professional responders arrive that someone can do so they don’t feel helpless.”

You Are the Help Until Help Arrives is tailored to UMSL’s campus. In addition to learning essential skills, participants learn how to contact UMSL’s Police Department during an emergency. One important aspect covered in the program is the role of the Police Department on campus. In an emergency on campus, participants learn the role of the Police Department in managing emergencies. 

The program is open to anyone, including students, staff, and faculty. “The class is for anybody. It is not a physical or demanding class, by any stretch. It’s not like a first-aid or CPR class where we get people on their knees. If you’re somebody who can call 9-1-1, then this is the class for you,” said Chambers. The course is designed to be an awareness training without any tests or physical stress.

You Are the Help Until Help Arrives program is free to attend, but registration is requested. The next class is being held on Feb. 15 from 9-11 a.m. in The Chamber at the Millennium Student Center. The program has more dates available throughout the Spring semester as well.

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