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  • Writer's pictureStephanie Kim

Saint Valentine’s Day: Feast in the Affection

Updated: Apr 4, 2022

By Stephanie Kim, Editor-in-Chief

Created by Stephanie Kim

Love is in the air (along with Covid) which can only mean it’s that special time of year–Saint Valentine’s Day! Or Valentine’s Day as most of us around here refer to it as. The time to hurry and buy every candy, rose, and flower within reach for the ones that you adore. The time to think of every sweet saying you’ve ever heard and write it down to be read through tear-stained eyes. A time–to put it simply–where you truly show you give a damn about the people around you. Some people may roll their eyes or let out exasperated sighs at the thought of the occasion, while many others soak up the love and wear nothing but hues of red.

The divide between people is easily noticed, but why is it there? Well, the simplest answer is that it’s human nature to be split on an issue. Take almost any regulation we have in America and you will find someone who agrees and someone who disagrees with it: abortion, government parties–even the shape of the earth was debated. We can’t help but to argue with one another, it’s like we live off of the turmoil our conflicts produce.

Another answer is that the holiday creates great anxiety for some people. Though it’s a celebration of love and affection, the stress that comes with that is real. The pressure to get the perfect gift, or even a gift at all, for that special someone leaves many of us feeling overwhelmed and unsatisfied. And even when the greatest gift is found–plans cancel, reservations fill up, or hell on earth happens and everything goes wrong. Sometimes you just can’t win!

Well, don’t worry–I’m here to give you some Valentine’s Day tips that will (hopefully) help fill your day with love. No need to worry though this isn’t another article over date ideas and special things to do, I want to give you the real advice. A few ways that you can avoid feeling frantic on the day of love. I’ve scoured the internet and talked to Cupid himself to get you these, so don’t let them go to waste!

-TALK to your partner(s) about expectations–yes, it can be that easy. Doing this tip alone will most likely make the day 10x less stressful. If you know what to expect, then there won’t be as much stress to plan everything yourself.

-NO COMPARING your day or relationship to anyone else’s. The day is supposed to be about the ones you love, so constantly checking your ex-best friend’s posts isn’t going to make you feel any better.

-TREAT yourself, no matter if you’re single or not. It’s a day to show love and affection, so self-love is a must. Be your own Valentine!

-RESCHEDULE the day if needed. Don’t be afraid to move the celebration to a day that suits you and your relationship more. Whether it be because of work, school, or previously made appointments–reschedule and plan on a day that you will feel the most love.

TNTR…that’s what to remember on this day of all things sweet. Let’s try to make it a little more fun–TNT Ready. Got it? Here’s our saying for the day: Valentine is here and we’re TNT Ready (let’s just hope that this TNT prevents any explosions from occurring–like the one your mate will definitely have if you don’t get them anything).

If you’re rocking today single, embrace it and follow through with plans for yourself. Create expectations and plans for the day, don’t compare yourself to others, treat yourself, and don’t be afraid to let the love carry over into another day. Even though Valentine’s Day is the designated day for love, it doesn’t have to be the only one. Spread the affection all year (while also practicing safe Covid distancing and procedures) to lessen the stress of loving yourself one day out of the year. The fight that many people have to show or receive love one day a year really demonstrates how little love those people give or take on a daily basis. Spread the love more, get it more!

So, don’t get overwhelmed and stressed on this Feast of Saint Valentine–let yourself feast in the affection. Embrace the love that the day has to offer and make time for yourself. It doesn’t take much to show someone you care; besides, many of us are craving the love a little extra after the past couple of years we’ve all had.

Just repeat after me: Valentine is here and I’m TNT Ready.

And for those of you who came to this article in hopes of getting some date ideas for tonight–don’t you fret, I still have you covered. Some of my own Valentine’s date ideas for this year, which are also Covid friendly, include: making a homecooked meal together, doing board games and puzzles, or setting up a video game date. If none of those suit you or your partner, then I have also found some other ideas–feel free to check them out below!

This link includes some activities to do in St. Louis, though some of the dates have passed, the places are still open for Valentine’s Day!

Here is another link that’s great if you are looking for places to go to or do in St.Louis!

This link is great if you are looking for Valentine’s activities that are more Covid friendly!

This one is good for couples looking to do things together or singles looking for new activity ideas!

This link is great for long-distance couples who need some virtual date ideas!

Here’s a good one for singles looking for some fun activities to do alone!

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